Friday, April 21, 2006

Getting at HttpServerUtility

Here's the problem - you want to HTML encode some content in a class library that supports your ASP.Net application... You could write the routine to HTML encode a string yourself, or you could re-factor your code to do the encoding in the page code-behind like this:
public partial class DemoPage : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
LabelControl.Text =
Server.HtmlEncode( LibraryClassInstance.Content );

// rest of the implementation goes here
But what if you're abstracting things so that a library object has to be able to render itself as HTML?

The problem is all about getting at the HtmlEncode method if you've not got a Server object handy. The Server object is actually a singleton instance of the HttpServerUtility class exposed by the ASP.Net environment from the HttpContext in which the page is running.

HOWEVER, the HttpContext class exposes a static method to return the current context instance, including the associated HttpServerUtility instance, so all you have to do in the library is the following
namespace demo
class LibraryClass
public string GetHtmlSafeContent()
return HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(this.Content);

// remainder of the implementation goes here
Voila - HTML (and URL) encoding and de-coding at your fingertips.

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