Setting up the template for a new custom control in Silverlight is fraught at the best of times – the Silverlight runtime invariably swallows any error in the template and gives just a cryptic exception.
But stranger still is a limitation on how the {TemplateBinding ...} syntax can be used and the exception that is thrown when in error.
If you try and use {TemplateBinding ...} against a normal property on the control, you get the strange exception shown right – confusing because the target control (WizardActionButton in the example) absolutely does have a State property.
The solution is to use the {Binding ...} syntax where the source property isn’t a DependencyProperty, and to use the {RelativeSource ...} syntax to specify that you’re actually binding to the control within its template.
<i4tControls:WizardActionButton x:Name="RetreatButtonPart"
Style="{StaticResource ActionButtonStyle}"
State="{TemplateBinding CanRetreat}"
Content="{TemplateBinding RetreatButtonContent}"
ContentTemplate="{TemplateBinding RetreatButtonContentTemplate}"
<i4tControls:WizardActionButton x:Name="RetreatButtonPart"
Style="{StaticResource ActionButtonStyle}"
State="{Binding Path=CanRetreat,RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}}"
Content="{TemplateBinding RetreatButtonContent}"
ContentTemplate="{TemplateBinding RetreatButtonContentTemplate}"